Have an idea for hidden compartment furniture that you don’t see on our site? Something to make secret and safe besides guns, jewelry, important papers that we haven’t thought about yet? Contact us to discuss your ideas to for the perfect custom piece, just for you. Police have discovered much less elaborate hiding areas in homes that most commonly are used to hide contraband like drugs and firearms. We are about design and form as much as we are about fit and function. Hidden compartments are great at concealing messes but they might need a great deal of space to build. Contemporary kitchen with kitchen appliances stored in secret compartment hidden behind white sliding cabinet. At QLine design, each piece of furniture is designed to last a lifetime. Don’t be fooled by cheap imitations- QLine is the original and very best when it comes to custom hidden compartment furniture. Shelving and secret hidden compartments are customizable for your application. Dimensions can be altered to suit your design and security needs. Each piece is custom made to order, available in your choice of wood or custom colors. The Buick Enclave is one of the greatest in this game, with up to 3.75 cubic feet of the secret storage compartment. The green point from each rod measurement needed to be drilled into the sprocket.

Our innovative designs contain ample hidden storage for documents, firearms, jewelry, or other valuables. Tenons & Tenors 23.6K subscribers 75K views 1 year ago hiddendrawer secretdrawer Hello Working on a custom desk for a client and they wanted a secret drawer. Buick Enclave Buick is among the manufacturers that are upfront about installing secret compartments in their cars other manufacturers leave it up to the owners to locate it. From the design, I redrew the concentric circle from step two onto the sprocket. In the 18th century, high end furniture often contained secret compartments with the concept of: if they can’t find it, they can’t steal it. This unique lock is operated by a magnet embedded in a knob that is both a 'key' and a pull. Valuables such as guns or jewelry will be hidden in plain sight. FebruGuides and Tips Most people keep their keys and phones in cup holders, door bins, or the glove box. For hidden compartments, liquor cabinets, knife drawers, etc., an invisible locking latch is ideal. Instructables has projects covering all subjects, including crafts, art, electronics, kids, home improvement, pets, outdoors, reuse, bikes, cars, robotics, food, decorating, woodworking, costuming, games, and life in general.What you store in your QLine SafeGuard furniture is up to you-only you will know the secret. A hidden compartment in your car is a perfect spot for keeping important items and documents safe and out of reach. Some are designed to hold a single handgun while others can contain hundreds of pounds of drugs. Since August 2005, Instructables has provided easy publishing tools to enable passionate, creative people to share their most innovative projects, recipes, skills, and ideas. there's actually only technically i guess you would say one. Hidden compartments can vary in size and complexity.

Instructables is the most popular project-sharing community on the Internet. From hidden rooms behind bookshelves to secret compartments in furniture, hiding your stuff has never been more fun! You could dig a hole and bury your stuff, or build an Arduino-powered secret knock detecting lock to stash your stuff. Why not try a few of these projects the next time you've got some secret stuff you want to stash? Batcave plans not included. This guide features 16 projects built by our users made to keep your stuff safe and hidden from view. Ever wanted to make your own? Here at, we got you covered with secret doors, drawers & compartments! Bruce Wayne hid the entrance to the Batcave behind a bookcase, operated by a button hidden in a bust of Shakespeare.